I have been enjoying facilitating a Sunday school class at our church, where we are reading through C.S. Lewis’ classic book, Mere Christianity. This week, our chapter ended with a gut-punch quote about generosity: "I do not believe one can settle how much we ought to give. I am afraid the only safe rule is to give more than we can spare. In other words, if our expenditure on comforts, luxuries, amusements, etc., is up to the standard common among those with the same income as our own, we are probably giving away too little. If our charities do not at all pinch or hamper us, I should say they are too small. There ought to be things we should like to do and cannot do because our charitable expenditure excludes them." Lewis' sharp intellect can make one feel as though they’re sitting in a philosophy lecture one moment, and then, with a crystal-clear metaphor or a piercing quote, he drives the point home. The quote above was one of those moments for me. I truly believe I live in one of the greatest countries in the history of mankind, yet I wonder if we who follow Christ in this modern age have allowed the American Dream to subtly infiltrate our faith in ways we struggle to recognize. When I read the Gospels, the book of Acts, and the epistles, I see radical generosity marking both the teachings of the New Testament and the example of the early believers. “They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need” is not a testimony I’ve ever heard in a North American church (Acts 2:45). Yet, it was a defining characteristic of the early church. When Paul first met the Apostles in Jerusalem, they extended the right hand of fellowship and emphasized one additional charge, as Paul recalls: “All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I had been eager to do all along” (Galatians 2:10). This was not just a passing statement—Paul actively raised money from the churches he visited to help those suffering from famine in Jerusalem. Writing to the Corinthians, he highlights the extraordinary generosity of the Macedonians: “In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own, they urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the Lord’s people. And they exceeded our expectations” (2 Corinthians 8:2-5). We, too, have brothers and sisters in Christ experiencing severe hardship. We, too, can respond as the early church did to meet their needs. We, too—even those of us who have little—can well up in rich generosity. Randy Alcorn, in his powerful little book The Treasure Principle, writes: “Five minutes after we die, we’ll know exactly how we should have lived. But God has given us His Word so that we don’t have to wait to die to find out. And He’s given us His Spirit to empower us to live that way now.” I’ve often thought that the moment I step into heaven, my first word will be “Wow!” and my second will most likely be “Oops,” as I realize all the ways I was so sure of myself but was wrong. One of those, I am increasingly convinced, will be the realization that I kept too much of God’s possessions for myself. Alcorn’s fifth principle in The Treasure Principle states: “Giving is the only antidote to materialism. Giving is a joyful surrender to a greater person and a greater agenda. It dethrones me and exalts Him.” Today, I want to give you opportunities to give. The organizations below are serving the very least of these—many of whom are our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world. Each of these organizations is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, ensuring that your money reaches the intended projects. May we be a people who live out the radical generosity of the early church, giving beyond what is comfortable, and embracing the joy of surrendering to God’s greater plan Samaritan’s Purse
Compassion International Blood:Water Mission Further Reading
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One of the biggest reasons Christians hesitate to share their faith—with friends, co-workers, neighbors, or even strangers—is a deep sense of insecurity. Maybe you’ve felt it too. The fear of being unprepared, facing tough questions, or things not going as planned can be paralyzing. Perhaps you feel unqualified. But Jesus directly addresses this fear in the Gospels. In Mark 5, He crosses the Sea of Galilee into the Decapolis, where He encounters a demon-possessed man. It’s a dramatic moment—the demons, calling themselves Legion, are cast into a herd of pigs, which rush into the sea and drown. Overwhelmed, the people beg Jesus to leave. And so He does. But… As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon-possessed begged to go with him. Jesus did not let him, but said, “Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” So the man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed. What does Jesus require for someone to share the good news? Simply this: that God has done something for you. The man in this story had no formal training—no seminary degree, no deep theological knowledge, no long-developed prayer life. For much of his existence, he was the outcast, the "crazy demon-possessed guy." But then he met Jesus. And Jesus changed everything. As a follower of Christ, Jesus has changed everything for you too! Of course, growing in biblical knowledge and prayer is important, but notice—Jesus didn’t require it before sending this man out. In fact, when the man begs to go with Him, eager to learn more, Jesus says no. Instead, He gives him a mission: "Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how He has had mercy on you." And the man doesn’t hesitate. He doesn’t make excuses about his lack of training or experience. He simply obeys. He goes and shares his story—and the people are amazed! The next time you feel unqualified or uncertain about what to say, remember this: You have more knowledge, more experience, and more access to Scripture than this man ever did. If God could use someone with his past, He can surely use you. For Further Reading If you found this article helpful, share it with your friends. Obedience to the great commission to go and make disciples of all nations will inevitably take many believers across oceans and over mountains to make their homes with a people not their own. One part of that journey will be the need to learn a new language. There is a Turkish proverb which says, “One who speaks only one language is one person, but one who speaks two languages is two people.” Language learning is a joy and reward in and of itself, but for those called to carry the gospel to the nations we are blessed with another, deeper motivation, to know Him and to make Him known. For those who are called to go, there are many questions that come up about how to learn a new language and when to start. To that second question, I’ll say with great confidence, Before You Move! Some will say to wait, that you’ll do better to just get started learning a new language once you land in your destination. Some might also tell a new recruit to the army to not spend any time getting in shape before boot camp. But we can all imagine the unnecessary pain and struggle that could be avoided with even a moderate workout routine. Before You Move Overseas is a workbook to help you prepare for the language learning journey. It’s the workout routine that will reduce some of the unnecessary pain and struggle. Walking through the activities in this workbook prior to departure will help you step into the stress filled first months of living overseas with one less brand new mountain to scale. It will help you navigate those first fledgling interactions with confidence rather than terror and discouragement. Make no doubt about it, language learning is hard. But waiting until you arrive in-country to do anything about the language learning journey is to stack all the initial hardness into an already challenging season. Click on the button below to download your free copy of Before You Move Overseas. Do you know someone who would benefit from this free workbook? Share this with them. When Samuel Zwemer left rural Iowa to sail to Bahrain in 1891 there were few in the Arabian Peninsula who had heard the gospel. His work over the next forty years is seen in many ways as the genesis of missions work among Muslims in the Middle East and Zwemer is now known as the “Apostle to Islam.” He responded to the call of God to take the gospel to the Muslim world by leaving everything in order to live in Bahrain and later, Egypt. He learned the language, he started a literature ministry, he mobilized others to join him and he used every available means to share the gospel with Muslims. At the beginning of the 20th century however, those means were limited to the missionary himself and the printed page. In Western Christians in Global Missions (2012), Doug Birdsall is quoted saying, “The Great Commission is for every church in every culture in every generation. There are no exclusions. But . . . every church in every culture in every generation must determine the way in which they respond to this responsibility -- in a way that is appropriate to time and context.” Zwemer and his contemporaries were faithful to respond to the great commission in every way they knew how for their time and context. Missionaries like Zwemer have been sent by churches to the unreached places of our world for the last 200 years. They have done and will continue to do amazing work and we see the fruit of their labors all across the globe. Peggy is another believer from rural Iowa who is sharing the gospel with Muslims. She has not yet learned another language and hasn’t traveled outside the U.S. and yet every Tuesday morning she jumps on a video call with a young university student living in a Muslim majority country. They’ve been reading through a creation to Christ set of stories from the Bible as a way for this young lady to practice English, a language that will open up doors for opportunity for better education and future employment. Peggy is the first true follower of Jesus this young lady has ever met. For the first time in her life she is reading the living and active word of God. For the first time in her life there is a Christian who is praying specifically for her and her family. Peggy’s ministry, appropriate for her time and context, highlights the increasingly blurred edges of sending versus going. In Zwemer’s day, the missionary went and did their work and their sending churches prayed and supported them but had few other opportunities to connect with the work. Missionary work was literally a world away. Globalization and innovations in technology have quickly brought our world closer together than ever before. A recent search on a commonly used language exchange app found that over 200 people from Turkey, a country that is 99% Muslim, had logged onto the app in the previous 24 hours looking to connect with a native English speaker. Searches of several other Muslim majority countries resulted in much the same reality. Hundreds of thousands of Muslims are actively looking for friendships with native English speakers online. And indeed, they are finding friends. They are connecting with secular humanists and new age spiritualists, radical atheists and run of the mill hedonists. As I lead Embassy, an online outreach for Crescent Project, the focus of our work is to see that more and more of them connect with true followers of Jesus. Jesus urged his disciples to pray for harvest workers to be thrust out into the harvest fields (Luke 10:2). The church is a slumbering giant, a harvest force that needs to wake up to the fact that every believer can be a part of completing the great commission among the nations. A love of Jesus and an Internet connection are all that is required. A new day is dawning when those who are sending are also going and the lines between sending and going are increasingly blurring. If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends. Reading for Discipleship: Understanding Prescriptive and Descriptive Passages of Scripture11/7/2024 When I think about the types of verses that I’ve been encouraged to memorize throughout my life, they have tended to be verses that record the teaching or commands of Jesus or Peter or Paul. Perhaps that has been your experience as well, but what I have not spent a lot of time memorizing are the narrative stories of the gospels or the book of Acts; the story of Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well, the healing of blind Bartimaeus, the story of Paul’s time in Philipi or Thessalonica or Ephesus. One type of passage focuses on the teaching and commands while the latter is simply telling the story, narrating what certain people empowered by the Holy Spirit actually did. This, I have come to learn, is the difference between those passages that are prescriptive and those that are descriptive. There is an important distinction here and I’m increasingly convinced that, as disciples of Jesus, we should sharpen our skills at noticing the descriptive passages to help us better understand how to live out and obey the prescriptive ones. An example of a prescriptive passage is the great commission, “Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:18-20). In this passage, Jesus is prescribing a way of living. He’s asking us to obey him and do the things he commands in this passage. It’s a clear call to make disciples - Jesus is telling us to do this thing. It is a prescriptive passage. But, what does it mean to make disciples? And how do we go about baptizing them? And teaching new disciples to obey everything Jesus commanded - what does that mean and how do we do it? While His command is clear, when it comes to what we do on Monday morning to obey it, most in the church today have little idea. We tend to fall back on the one action we know to take - invite them to church. That is a good idea but, is that what Jesus meant when he told all disciples to make disciples? Invite them to church and hope that a thirty minute sermon will be adequate to invite them into a life of apprenticeship to Jesus? I think He might have had more in mind. This is where the descriptive passages in scripture are helpful. In answering the questions above, the book of Acts gives us a front row seat to watch the first Christians make disciples. The twelve, the seventy two and many more had spent three years apprenticing to Jesus as he taught and ministered in front of them and with them and we can watch how they make disciples throughout the pages of Acts. They not only heard the great commission but they had also watched Jesus do it. Because of this I think we can assume that they had a fairly clear idea of what Jesus was expecting of them and so as we watch their lives, we’ll see real time examples of what Jesus meant when he gave the great commission. The description of their lives and actions fill in the blanks of our understanding. Do descriptive passages hold the same weight as the prescriptive ones? No. Prescriptive passages tell us truth about God and share the commands of Scripture. The Bible is clear that Jesus expects us to obey his commands. With descriptive passages however, we simply get a front row seat to watching the first disciples live out those truths and obey the commands in their particular time and context. It is important to understand that their time and context was different than ours. Jesus healed in all kinds of interesting ways. In the gospels we can see examples of him healing others - with a word, with a touch or embrace, by spitting and making mud or sticking his fingers in a person’s ears. These are descriptive passages but I don’t think anyone would say that in order to heal a person we need to spit and make mud. If the Holy Spirit leads us to do such a thing, we sure should but while the Bible does call us to pray for healing, how we do that might not matter so much. There are many examples from the church in Acts that don’t make a lot of sense for Christians living in the modern world and many more that aren’t the only way to do a thing. While the examples in scripture don’t hold the same weight as the clear teachings of scripture, it is vitally important that we regularly hold our methods and ideas up the mirror of scripture and think reflectively why we do one thing when the Apostles and first Chrsitians did things so differently. As an example, Jesus’ command his disciples (that includes us) to baptize new believers. The example in the book of Acts is of immediate baptism. The longest time between conversion and baptism that I can find is the Apostle Paul who waited in blind darkness for three days before Ananias arrived. In my modern day church experiences, baptism is often put off for months and even years as we wait for the new believer to go through some sort of class so that we, the older more mature Christians, can make sure they are ready. Is it wrong to baptize in our way? I don’t think so but this is why the descriptive passages can be so helpful. They cause us to look at our traditions, the way we do things, and compare them to what those closest to Jesus did. And in this case, it causes me to question why we deviated from the pattern of the Apostles. Are we somehow smarter than Paul and Peter? Do we have some insight that they did not? The fruit of mature disciples seems more abundant in their time than it does in our modern western churches. Food for thought I guess. Another example is how churches come into being in the book of Acts. I hesitate to use the word “planted” because I’m not sure we can find enough evidence that Paul’s goal was to plant churches and his methods are so apples to oranges different than our modern approach, that the phrase “church planting” ends up being a distraction. To be sure, Jesus intends the church - the gathered body of believers in any one location - to be his outpost in a broken world. He will build his church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it. But as we follow Paul, in particular, through the second half of Acts, his method seems to be focused on making disciples, baptizing them and teaching them to obey the commands of Jesus and then, the church always emerges. But in another mind blowing observation, these churches are immediately led by the brand new believers in each city. Nobody plants churches like this in North America. We generally tend to transplant a group of mature believers with a sizable budget into a new location where the outsiders will lead for the foreseeable future. Is this wrong? Again, I don’t thinks so. It’s just another way to do it. But it is not the example of Paul which should cause us again to wrestle with our assumptions and beliefs about church planting. We often talk about Paul being the most prolific missionary and church planter in history so it is curious why we’ve so readily disregarded his example? So while the descriptive passages help us understand and apply the prescriptive ones, they also have a way of causing us to reflect on our own assumptions about ministry. But we cannot give them the same weight of authority. To do that would require us to walk everywhere we go and to write letters to communicate with other believers because that is how Jesus and Paul did it. That would be legalistic folly. It could however be a good idea to add a new bracelet next to our W.W.J.D bracelets, W.D.J.D - What DID Jesus do? Going back to Paul’s church planting method, he seems to have adopted the W.D.J.D model, looking at the example of how Jesus did ministry and then copying it almost to a T. In Luke 10, Jesus sends out the 72 into new regions which he had not yet entered. They were to enter the city or town, proclaim the kingdom and then, if a person invited them into their home, they were to stay with that person. This is exactly what we see Paul doing in Philippi - proclaim the kingdom down by the river, stay with Lydia - and in Thessalonica - enter the city (the synagogue), stay with Jason. If you study Luke 10 and then follow Paul’s missionary journeys, you’ll see that he is following the example of Jesus. For Paul it seems, if it was the way Jesus did it, he would do it too. I hope that as you immerse yourselves in scripture you will become more aware of how the descriptive examples of Jesus and the first church help fill in the gaps of the more prescriptive passages. It has certainly challenged me to grow in my ability to recognize what it is that I do that is built more on modern ideas from business or psychology or pop culture. It’s a hard challenge but a good one and leads me to prayerfully begin realigning my beliefs and behaviors with the teaching and example of scripture. If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends.
I long ago noticed that Bezalel and Oholiab are, as artisan creatives, the first people in the Bible to be ‘filled with the Spirit of God’ (Exodus 31:3) but I recently found, three chapters later, that they were also given the ability to teach others. The work seems to have been too big for them to accomplish alone - they are going to need to train others, to bring on apprentices who can join them at the craftsman’s table. The creation of the tabernacle and all of its components was God sized work and thus required a God sized workforce. This would only come about through the multiplication of workers and so God saw fit to give Bezalel and Oholiab the ability to teach and train others. I wonder how Adam and Eve felt when God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it (Genesis 1:28). I’ve read that passage most of my life without really feeling the gravity of the God sized job that had been given to the first couple. I can wrap my mind around being fruitful and increasing in number, but fill the earth? Subdue it? I struggle to keep my lawn mowed but the whole earth? This is a God sized job! It could only be accomplished if the workers are multiplied and trained. And God seems focused on multiplication in Genesis 1:
Fruit seed is exponentially powerful. It is by nature multiplicative. An entire apple orchard lies hidden in the flesh of a single apple. Wheat to feed the nations is contained in a single wheat kernel. Multiplication is built into the very fabric of the cosmos - it is the way God created things. It is the pattern in nature and an intended pattern in the church as well. Creatives like Bezalel and Oholiab were given the ability to teach others and to multiply their gifts. Jesus told his disciples to go and make disciples, to teach them to obey his teachings. He chose 12 good seeds knowing that as they do what he did, they will multiply (Matthew 28:18-20). Paul tells Timothy to take the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses, entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others (2 Timothy 2:2). And Christ gives the church apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers and pastors to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-13). Jesus tells us that He will build his church (Matthew 16:18) but we are to make disciples: to teach, to equip, to train, to entrust, to build up, to mentor, – to multiply. Disciple making at every level of the church would seem to be the Jesus method. Are you the pastor? Who are you training and teaching to do your job? Are you a Sunday school teacher? Who are you inviting in alongside you to equip and prepare? Are you a brand new believer? Who are you entrusting with the things you are learning? You don’t need to be a theologian, just obedient to teach someone the last new thing you learned about following the Lord. God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and increase in number, to fill the earth and subdue it. Think about your town or city, your neighborhood or country - think about the unreached world, over 3 billion people who have no real access to the gospel. There are all kinds of good things we can do as Christians but making disciples is perhaps the most clear command we’ve received from Jesus and it is a principle found in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. If God called two artists to teach others to do the thing He had called them to do, He’s calling you as well. Let’s multiply. Let’s make disciples. Not just the professionals but all of us. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this post, share it with your friends. ![]() A person born in 1900 came of age as World War I and the Spanish flu epidemic ravaged the world. They started their family in the affluence of the 20’s, raised that family through the dire poverty of the Great Depression and then, despite the promise that the war they fought would end all wars, sent their sons off to fight - and for many, to die in the Second World War. This jumble of life experience formed that generation. The context and circumstances of the decades we live through always form who we are and who we become. This was true for their generation, it’s true for ours and it will be true for our children's as well. Gen Z, those born between 1997 and 2012 and currently ages twelve to twenty seven, are no different. The context and circumstances of their lives are forming them in the same sorts of ways previous generations were formed. Like those who came before them, this formation has caused them to have certain characteristics and values that make them different from previous generations in both positive and negative ways. Gen Z however, is one of those unique generations living through a great turning point in history. The industrial economy is quickly giving away to the information economy. While past turning points, like the industrial revolution, were decades long and gave people the opportunity to plan and reflect and adapt, this cohort is living through a change that, in comparison, is happening overnight. The home computer showed up in the early 80s and became fairly common within a decade. The Internet - and this is where the turning point really takes shape - was accessible by 16 million people worldwide in 1995, had skyrocketed to 1 billion by 2005, 3.2 billion by 2015 and 5.4 billion today. The iPhone came out in 2007, social media in 2012 and the world has never been the same. One day we had computers and the Internet on our desk, the next day, they were in our pockets. The smartphone life is all Gen Z has ever known. For the rest of us, born prior to 1997, we had a different life and upbringing. Gen Z is the first generation to be formed by more than their immediate context and circumstances. Spending an average of 7 hours a day on their phones, the digital world they inhabit is undoubtedly forming who they are and who they will become as much, if not more, than their immediate context of the embodied world around them; their family, friends, neighborhood and religious communities. [Read: The Missions Movement Needs Gen Z] The Lausanne Movement recently released a report, “The State of the Great Commission”. In their online launch of the report, I jumped into the “What is Digital Life?” breakout session to walk through the findings. It was there that our host used the term, “Augmented Digital Identity” (ADI). ADI is most often used in discussions of online security and blockchain and other things that I’ve not yet fully wrapped my mind around, but in this context, ADI was crystal clear. My identity growing up through my teen years was largely shaped by my available circumstances and context. My parents, teachers, youth pastor and friends were my main influence. Television was still coming through our antenna and the handful of channels didn’t offer much in the way of diverse thought. Our public and school libraries were treasure troves of information but were limited to the space available on the shelves. Reading Kerouac’s The Dharma Bums and Mitchner’s 800 page tome, The Drifters gave me a romantic inclination toward a hippy lifestyle but it never got much more developed than trying to grow my hair out for a few months. There was just not enough input of these types of ideas to shape my identity in any lasting way. I still love the music of the late 60’s and early 70’s but beyond that I’m pretty plain Jane. Members of Gen Z however are being shaped by an onslaught of input from every corner of the world through their smartphones. I’ve not seen any comparative studies but I’d guess that Gen Z sees, reads, or watches more messages in a week than I came across in a year, maybe more. As a rather disturbing example, in a recent study I came across in Jon Haidt’s new book The Anxious Generation and reported on in The New York Times, Tik Tok began pushing videos about eating disorders and self harm to 13 year old girls within 30 minutes of their joining the platform. A steady stream of any issue will begin to shape the identities of anyone and social media is created to do just that. The identities of Gen Z, like every generation, are being shaped by the circumstances and the context of their lives. It just so happens that theirs is the first generation to be shaped by a digital space rather than the real, flesh and blood spaces of their homes, neighborhood and schools. This is the augmented digital identity. There is much that is problematic about the phone based life of many in Gen Z. Haidt’s book or his Substack After Babel would be excellent places to learn more. The augmented digital identity does however prepare Gen Z in unique ways to interact with an increasingly globalized world. They - and when I say “they” I mean Gen Z in every country on earth - have more in common with one another than any generation prior. Sixteen year olds in China and Mozambique, Canada and Mexico, the U.S. and Vietnam are all watching the same TikToks, seeing the same Instagram influencers and are all learning how to fix their iPhone from the same Youtube videos. They share gaming advice with one another on Discord and they openly mock those of us who still use Facebook. They are poised to work together in business and service better than any generation in history. Their embodied identities are still culturally defined by their local community but the augmented digital identity is flattening this out as it moves toward the center where they are interacting with people and content online from all over the world. They are the most interculturally connected generation to ever walk the earth making them a generation poised and prepared to do great things in new ways. I for one want to learn how to support and encourage them in doing just that. Also Read: Gen Z, Epic Learning and the Future of the Church Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this post, share it with your friends. Missions committees. They are an important part of any small church and yet increasingly, it’s becoming more and more difficult to know if the churches they serve are all that interested. It can be an uphill battle to keep global missions at the forefront of church culture as congregations become busier than ever with frantic schedules and hurried lives. Previous generations saw missions as an important part of the duty of all Christians and so they joyfully gave to the work of global missions, attended missions emphasis events and prayed regularly for those missionaries whose pictures adorned refrigerator doors. Within younger generations, that emphasis is slipping and this can make the work of the missions committee difficult and frustrating. I was recently reading the story of two small churches in rural Minnesota who, between their founding in the late 1870’s until 1980, had sent out 35 missionaries and 55 pastors. These two churches sent out a new missionary every three years! They did this by creating a strong culture focused on global missions. In 1887 they began celebrating the Fourth of July with a missions festival in addition to the quarterly missions festivals they already had. Ladies' prayer meetings for mission work and the missionaries they supported were held weekly for decades. Older members report that there was a general expectation that their young people would go into missions, the pastorate, the medical field or teaching - anything focused on serving. These churches had in them an ethos for missions. While we probably won’t be able to talk our church leaders into five mission festivals a year, there are things we can do to grow a missions culture in our churches. In Turkish there is a proverb, “Damlaya, damlaya göl olur” – drop by drop a lake is formed. The focus of these ten ideas is to take small but consistent steps to increase awareness of God’s heart for the nations, working toward slow but steady growth in mission culture at your church. Note: As our churches and world become increasingly digital, be sure and pay attention to how you talk about your missionaries, from the stage in particular, during Sunday morning services if they are being shared online. This creates a real challenge in telling the story of what God is doing in and through our missionaries, but their security and ability to remain in their country of service is vitally important. Make sure and have a good conversation with them about what is appropriate and not appropriate to share. Every missionary will have different contexts and different thoughts on their security. 1. It Starts With You It’s an old truism that a leader can’t lead where he or she hasn’t been. In order to lead your church toward a more robust mission culture, the mission committee is going to need to lead the way. A few years ago I wrote Ten Ways to Focus on the Great Commission this Year. I’d encourage you to bring this article to your mission committee and discuss a few options to pursue together. Choose just one to get started with - even one is more than none and will be the first step toward greater missions awareness and excitement. Some of these will also show up in the rest of the list below. 2. Movie Nights Movie nights are a fun way to bring your congregation together for fellowship while also creating an opportunity to stir their hearts for the nations. You could host quarterly movie nights or one in the fall and another in the spring. Make these fun nights and perhaps open them up to the greater community. Pop popcorn, serve ice cream and after the movie is over, spend some time praying for your missionaries and the countries in which they serve. Make sure and preview the movies so you can let parents know if it would be appropriate for their kids. Here are a few movies that will encourage and challenge your congregation: End of the Spear | Beyond the Gates of Splendor | The Insanity of God | Many Beautiful Things: The Life and Vision of Lilias Trotter | Better Friends than Mountains | More Than Dreams Movies | The Distant Boat 3. Serve The Kids Investing early in the kids of your church will ensure that a heart for missions starts at a young age. Fill your church library with missionary biographies written for children and young adults [YWAM Publishing]. Have each Sunday school class “adopt” one of your missionary families. Hang their picture in the classroom along with a flag and a map of the country in which they serve. Make sure the teacher is getting the missionary’s newsletter and sharing updates with the kids. Pray for them every week and make sure the missionaries know there is a class of kids who are praying for them every week. Learn about a simple snack from the country and bring it to class for the kids to share. And, if the missionary family is visiting your church, make sure they spend the Sunday school hour with the kids. Some churches have a missions moment for the kids every day of VBS and take an offering to support their work. There are a lot of creative ideas for getting the kids of your church excited about missions. 4. Prayer Focus A pastor friend of mine once told me that our hearts and minds follow our prayers and our pocketbooks. And so if we want our hearts to grow in a certain area, we need to focus on beginning to pray more for it and find ways to give towards it. I’ll focus on prayer here. It’s important that our congregations begin praying for our missionaries and the mission endeavors of our church. Here are a few ideas for how to do that:
5. Missionary Focus It’s important to keep your missionaries and the missions efforts of your church and denomination continually in front of your congregation. If the only time they hear about a missionary family you support is when they come and visit every 3-4 years, there’s not going to be a lot of relationship built. Without relationship, prayers will be meager and support lacking. So one thing a mission committee can work toward is ensuring that the congregation gets to know the missionaries supported by the church. And while the missionaries themselves have a role to play in this, the mission committee is most equipped to actually make it happen. A few ideas have already been discussed in the previous topics. And like the prayer focus above, I’ll offer a number of bullet points with ideas for how to do this better.
6. Short Term Missions Many of the missionaries I know point back to short term ministry or mission trips as instrumental in beginning to shape their hearts toward making Christ known among the nations. Creating opportunities for youth and adults from your church to engage in short term missions then is a fantastic opportunity to disciple hearts and cast vision for missions. Talk to the missionaries you have sent out and see if there are opportunities to come and serve with them or if their sending organization has short term mission trips. You can find other opportunities at: Global Gates Sifting Week | Adventures in Missions | Ethnos 360 | Praying Pelican | Crescent Project 7. The Perspectives Course Perspectives in the World Christian Movement is a powerful 15 week course that will give participants a new “perspective” on God’s heart for the nations. The Perspectives course is another launch point for many of the missionaries I talk with who claim it was this course that sent them on a trajectory toward the mission field. Classes are available in person or online. Perspectives in the World Christian Movement There are also other curriculums similar to Perspectives that can be used for Sunday school classes or small groups. These kinds of classes can be a simple way to help your congregation to be more informed about God’s missionary heart and what He is doing to bring the nations to himself. A few of these include: Storyline | The Bridges Study | God’s Heart For The Nations 8. Vision Trips Vision trips are different from short term mission trips. They are for a small group of people from your congregations who are A) considering long term missions and want to learn more, B) Leaders in your church who you as the missions committee want to gain a deeper understanding and heart for God’s work among the nations, C) People who can specifically serve the missionary family you are going to visit, D) Prayer warriors, and E) Members of the missions committee. It doesn’t need to be all of these but as you can see, the focus of the trip is not on the personal discipleship of those who are going like it may be on a short term mission trip. The group isn’t going so much to serve as to listen and learn. These trips are about deepening relationships and helping you as a sending church move toward deeper levels of engagement and understanding. They could also be about exploring new opportunities for partnership in new locations. 9. Host a Conference It can be a lot of work, but is an opportunity to put together a great weekend program to help encourage your church to catch a vision for missions and the work God is doing in drawing the nations to himself. It can also be a great opportunity to partner with other local churches in order to share the workload and costs of a conference and to get out of our respective silos to do kingdom work together. Some organizations are looking for churches to partner with and will bring in the content and speakers. Crescent Project’s Bridges One Day is an example of this. There are also a lot of great conferences going on across the world that will be an encouragement to those who go. Here are a few: Sinai Summit (online and free) | Moody Bible Mission Conference | Cross Conference | You can find a complete list of conferences, trainings and other missions events at Missions Catalyst 10. Missionary Hosting Several times a year one or more of the missionaries you support will come and visit your church. They are most likely on what used to be called their furlough though that term was never accurate. That word conveys the idea that their work has been suspended for a season, that they are on vacation or a break. And this is categorically not what three months back in one’s home country feels like. One agency I’ve worked with now calls these times away from their country of service as their Ministry in North America (MINA) which is much more accurate. It is ministry and it is work. Some missionaries will put thousands of miles on a vehicle over the course of two to three months in the summer. Nearly every weekend finds them in a new church, engaging with new people, working to meet unsaid expectations and for some, all of this with kids in tow. When they come and visit your church, my challenge to you is to make that time as special and meaningful for them and their family as possible. Missionaries aren’t proud of it, but we all have a mental list in our heads of the churches they can’t wait to go back to and the ones they dread. So how do you become a “can’t wait to get back to” kind of church? Here are a few ideas:
This list of ten ideas is not meant to overwhelm. Celebrate the things you are already doing and pick one or two to try and initiate in the future. If you keep at it with patient endurance you will slowly see your congratulation grow in both their understanding of their role in the great commission and their passion to be a part of it. If you have other ideas you seen or tried at your church, please share them in the comments below. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this post, please hit one of the buttons below and share it with your friends. By Sonora L Myers Malachi and I had sent mom and dad to enjoy a romantic meal for their anniversary which they had forgotten about until an hour ago. Left to buy dinner for ourselves, we decided to head back to the little döner restaurant with the scabby, stray cat that we’d eaten at the day before. We had stopped a moment outside of Starbucks when two small boys approached wanting to sell us cheap, blue, foam flower crowns. The city was so full of beggars and small children selling crafts and packets of kleenex that I had begun to grow insensitive to their presence. So when the small boys asked if we would like a flower crown, I quickly brushed the offer aside with a polite Turkish ‘tsk’ and said, “Biz iyiz” (we’re good). Surprised that we ‘foreigners’ could speak Turkish, they inquired about how two Americans knew their language. I was tired - emotionally, physically and mentally. This evening was our last day of our month-long sojourn in Europe and Turkey. After weeks of exerting my poor Turkish skills to their maximum communication and comprehension levels as we reunited with old friends, helped a church minister to many small villages in the earthquake zone and played with the kids on Gypsy Hill, I had little capacity for a chit chat with these two children. Shrinking back, I stood and zoned out as Malachi answered their probing questions. I was mindlessly waiting for them to leave us in peace so we could go and enjoy our dinner when, as I stood there, passive to anything but my own tired brain, one of the little boys broke from the conversation, approached me, and in one swift motion reached up and placed a foam flower crown on my head. His childish little face lit up in the sweetest smile as he said, “Bu senin için abla” (This is for you big sister). And just as quickly as they had appeared, they were gone, drifting around the corner and into the crowd. I stood stunned for a moment and then it was like I woke up from a long slumber to where I was - Kuşadası, Turkey, to the people rushing around us on all sides, to the beauty, to the need, to my utter desensitization to life. I stood in the insecurity I felt by my blundering attempts to communicate in a language I hadn’t spoken since I was six, in my feeling of vulnerability and fatigue and the need to remain dignified and not look foolish. I had built up walls around my heart, had taken up my home in a cold brick castle rather than humbly accepting the warm hospitality of the country and people of Turkey. I had allowed my own limitations to limit my heart. Rather than becoming personal, I withdrew and became private. I closed my eyes to my presence in a place full of people that God desperately wanted a relationship with. I didn’t put myself in the Lord’s hands, trusting that he would protect me and use my vulnerability but rather, I protected myself at the cost of losing sight of what mattered most. I choose security over generosity. I acted out of a place of scarcity rather than leaning into the rich abundance of God. I still have that flower crown. I keep it as a reminder to be generous, not just with my money but with everything; my time, my attention, my energy, myself. I keep it as a reminder to live out of humility in the security of the Lord rather than self-forged walls and a castle with closed gates. If you found this article helpful, pass it along to a friend who you think may benefit from reading it. Remember Covid? Pastors and churches across the country stepped into uncharted territory those first weeks of March and April in 2020. I prayed daily for my pastor friends and can only imagine the levels of stress that piled up around them as they led their respective churches through the Coronavirus crisis. With Sunday morning services needing to be cancelled, it left many scrambling to figure out how to do church. Because so much of what we do focuses on the Sunday morning service, this posed a very real challenge for church leadership. What do we do when our weekly hour and a half long service is no longer an option? That is the question everyone was wrestling with in those early months of the Covid crisis. I sometimes wonder now however if we missed an opportunity. It seems we've jumped back into business as usual and I'm wondering if there was another path to explore. I recently read an update from a Christian working in a Muslim majority country in Central Asia. They’d been working diligently alongside a local pastor to grow a small church made up of former Muslims. The group had found favor with a local property owner and had been meeting in a storefront building on Sundays for several years. Every Sunday the church of just over fifty gathered to worship together, to listen to the preaching of their very gifted pastor and to fellowship with one another. All that changed when the building owner began to come under increasing pressure from the local Muslim community. Even though he appreciated the monthly rent, he eventually decided it just wasn’t worth it and asked them to move out. What did they do when their weekly hour and a half long service was no longer an option? They didn’t have the option of streaming the pastor’s preaching and they knew they wouldn’t be able to find another building big enough for their needs. How could they go on? The pastor and elders met and realized that they were going to have to shift away from the larger group weekly gathering. They would need to meet in many smaller groups in peoples’ homes. Rather than centralized teaching, the teaching would need to be spread out among a number of young leaders. The pastor took the time he usually invested in preparing his sermon and instead began to invest that time in preparing men. While it has been a challenging time, it has also been a time of real growth. In the smaller group settings, people have found it easier to share, to interact and to practice the "one anothers" of scripture. Young leaders, given new responsibility and a lot more time with the pastor or an elder have matured quickly. One of the most exciting aspects of this shift to smaller groups meeting in homes rather than an official church building, is that members of the church have been more active in inviting their friends and neighbors to attend and non-believers have felt more comfortable to come and visit. More Muslims are both seeing and hearing the gospel than ever before and the church is growing - both spiritually and numerically. This church still finds a place to gather everyone together once each month for a larger gathering where they worship and celebrate and yes, listen to their pastor’s preaching. They are figuring things out as they have learned in a new, personal way the truth of Paul’s words in Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” I hoped and prayed that the Coronavirus crisis would end quickly back in 2020. But I also prayed that God would shake up His church, refine us and teach us to walk in new, fresh (but very old) ways. I had hoped it would be an opportunity to learn from the church in Central Asia and China and Iran -- churches that cannot have large gatherings but rather come together in homes to “dedicate themselves to the apostles teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” Don't get me wrong - I love my local church family and our church and I don't think the legacy church is going anywhere or needs to. I just wonder if there are other ways to do church that more reflect Jesus' focus on disciple making rather than just a holy huddle. Are there hybrid models we can discover or create? Can we reimagine a church that is less about gathering and more about going? As I wrestle with scripture I suppose I'll always wrestle with these questions and my hope is that this article will help others begin to wrestle as well. Practical Handles Here are a few resources I’ve found helpful to begin to have a handle on how to help our congregations gather in smaller groups in homes.
The Coronavirus was challenging, there can be no doubt about that. It may be a challenge unlike any we've faced in our lifetimes though I suspect there will be more to come. It may not yet be the time to consider new ways of doing church in North America, but it seems there is an opportunity to discover new rhythms, new methods, new wine skins that may lead to greater levels of fellowship, faithfulness, disciple making, evangelism and maturity. And looking at the data coming out of the Barna Group and Pew Research, we could use greater levels of all of those. If you found this article helpful, pass it along to a friend who you think may benefit from reading it. |
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