Obedience to the great commission to go and make disciples of all nations will inevitably take many believers across oceans and over mountains to make their homes with a people not their own. One part of that journey will be the need to learn a new language. There is a Turkish proverb which says, “One who speaks only one language is one person, but one who speaks two languages is two people.” Language learning is a joy and reward in and of itself, but for those called to carry the gospel to the nations we are blessed with another, deeper motivation, to know Him and to make Him known. For those who are called to go, there are many questions that come up about how to learn a new language and when to start. To that second question, I’ll say with great confidence, Before You Move! Some will say to wait, that you’ll do better to just get started learning a new language once you land in your destination. Some might also tell a new recruit to the army to not spend any time getting in shape before boot camp. But we can all imagine the unnecessary pain and struggle that could be avoided with even a moderate workout routine. Before You Move Overseas is a workbook to help you prepare for the language learning journey. It’s the workout routine that will reduce some of the unnecessary pain and struggle. Walking through the activities in this workbook prior to departure will help you step into the stress filled first months of living overseas with one less brand new mountain to scale. It will help you navigate those first fledgling interactions with confidence rather than terror and discouragement. Make no doubt about it, language learning is hard. But waiting until you arrive in-country to do anything about the language learning journey is to stack all the initial hardness into an already challenging season. Click on the button below to download your free copy of Before You Move Overseas. Do you know someone who would benefit from this free workbook? Share this with them.
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Books for Language Learning
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February 2025